Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Christmas ornaments/gift tags stage 1

I signed up for the Christmas Craftalong on Craftster and I'm behind already! The theme for January was ornaments and I made almost 50 of these salt dough stars which I'm going to paint red(I bought paint, but only realised I needed primer once I got home) and then put names on in gold and use as gift tags which double as personalised ornaments.

As I'm not going to hand sew anything and I don't have a sewing machine, February's theme wasn't really going to happen anyway.

Christmas ornaments Posted by Picasa

I made salt dough using about 1 cup of flour, 1 cup salt and 1/2 cup of water. I had a few trays which ended up being cooked for different times at different temperatures as I turned the oven up a bit.

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