Monday, August 21, 2006

Beads, Lovely Beads

Sorry I haven't posted for over a week, I've been nice and busy and all that stuff.

Anyway, during the week I got a wonderful parcel with beads and wire and findings and I think I've played with my new acquisitions most days since I got them, because they're lovely.

Ooooh, pretty Posted by Picasa

As well as my beads, I thought I'd make a resolution to try and take more pretty photos, not necessarily of crafty things, but just of pretty things, and these are the first photos. Don't you agree they're pretty?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

WIP Sunday

I've managed to get all this done in the last week...and all the ends are woven in on the red crayon! I'm sure by the time I get to the last crayon I'll have to go back and weave in lots of ends (can you see them all on the yellow crayon - pesky things!) but at the moment I'm being good and kind of weaving them in as I go.

Blankie progress Posted by Picasa

I've managed to get a lot done on it this week, probably because I was sitting working on it with little else to do for two nights at work. To be honest though, I think I crochet at the same speed sitting in front of the tv as sitting crocheting without any distractions. I don't think I'll get as much done next week, I've got a few things on and my parents are coming up for the weekend. Yay!

EDIT: Look, it's my foot in the corner. Yes, I was standing on my half-made bed when I took the photo.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tired again

Alright, so I'd just caught up on anything and then I ended up with a severe lack of sleep again. I ended up doing patient monitoring at work last night, all night. At least there weren't any problems, I got a smidgen of sleep and I've started on the blanket for my cousin. It's the Color Me pattern from Crochet Me. I stupidly thought, it's made with six pieces, there won't be that much joining/weaving ends in. I didn't even think the big oval in the center of each crayon would need lots of ends woven in. Oh well, I've started now.

Monday, August 07, 2006

It's clean!

I'm very happy with what I accomplished over the weekend. It wasn't really crafty, but it was necessary. I vacuumed, I moped, I dusted, I washed all my dirty clothes (including the hand washing I've been putting off for far too long), and my dirty dishes and I tidied up. After last week (which was very tiring) I had put off lots of little jobs and they had accumulated into one big mess...which is now gone. Yay!

Friday, August 04, 2006

TV Blanket

I'm very tired tonight, I've been working hard all week and I'm going to go to bed as soon as I possibly can and then I'm going to sleep in to an outrageous hour tomorrow, but first...'s pretty cold here, so I decided I needed a blanket for when I'm watching tv. I managed to get some cheap acrylic yarn for $1 a ball which was a bonus, and I bought up all the purple I could find and made this.

Blanket Posted by Picasa

It's made with two strands crocheted at the same time with stripes of white bordered with mixed stripes. It's done in triple crochet and the dimensions are a little random because I chained until I thought it was big enough...but then realised it was too big, so it ended up more square than I initially wanted it but it's a good size for in front of the tv, just not if I wanted it for a bed. Because of the two strands it's nice and cushy.

I've also added some progress bars to the side bar, just to get me motivated to finish projects I start (to be honest I'm not too bad), and also start projects I mean to, rather than getting sidetracked by something new (I'm worse at that). Plus it's satisfying to look at and see how I'm going.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More new books

I've moved from op shop to op shop in my search for new books (not just craft books, but they are a favourite!).

More new books Posted by Picasa

I'm absolutely thrilled about the Needlecraft book. I was house sitting at the end of last year and the start of this year and they had a copy there, and I have to confess I briefly thought "They won't miss this" but that was a BAD thought and was quickly banished. I just spent a lot of time there flicking through the book. It's really fantastic. It's more on techniques than patterns and it's got some great crochet stitch guides as well as embroidery stuff (I know, I just got a big embroidery book), so I'm really glad I managed to find a copy. I'm accumulating quite a collection of craft books well as yarn, beads, ribbon, embroidery thread, paper and other random bits and bobs.

By the way, my car hasn't been cleaned yet (it's not actually that dirty) but one of the girls from work pulled out the grass. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed.