Wednesday, August 22, 2007

12 inch square CAL: July experienced square

Wednesday's are my normal day off and it's nice having a day off during the week because you can do things around the house (eg craft) without disturbances, do a bit of shopping, and go places that may be closed on the weekend (bank, post office). Anyway, today I had to go in to work for a staff meeting. I figured since I was doing that I was entitled to spend some money at Spotlight (fairly close to work, although a bit of a pain to get to and I normally finish too late)...except I got asked to drop a dog home on my way back, which was around the corner from home so no shopping for me. I'm still trying to decide if this was a good or bad thing. Otherwise the going to work in the middle of the day did manage to disrupt me from doing anything useful.

Here's my July experienced square from the craftster CAL

Pattern from here.

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